Effective property management

Automation benefits in property management

Every day, people strive towards more effective and faster work management. There is a lot of information and navigating it, is time consuming. The more things you must remember, the higher probability that you might forget something.

Different software solutions have made it to real estate management, which help to eliminate, automate, or do repetitive actions more easily. Here are some examples how you can use Hausing, to simplify property management.

1. Lease changes and endings 

You can set up reminders for yourself and tenant, what system sends out automatically. In addition, system generates a calendar, that has all your portfolio's lease related changes - endings, beginnings, indexations. This way you can save time and not mark important dates to a calendar yourself.

2. Lease indexations

You can set up indexation linked to consumer price index, fixed percent, or certain amount. Indexation is automatic. Also, you can send notifications to yourself and tenant regarding the upcoming price changes. This way you can avoid situations where tenant has forgotten the previously made agreement and the change comes as a surprise. You, as a owner, don’t have to worry, that due to human error, you didn’t get proper amount of income.

3. Mass-notifications to tenants

You don’t have to search your mailbox for tenant’s emails, remember who is connected to what building and send them separate emails. You just have to choose a building in Hausing, write your message and send the information! You can send notifications to all your portfolio at once.

4. Preventive maintenance of the devices

There are many devices linked to a building – boilers, ventilation devices, elevators, fire safety systems etc. All these devices need regular maintenance, so they can last longer. In Hausing you can determine device’s maintenance frequency and contractor, that needs to do the job. This way you don’t have to keep a calendar of upcoming maintenance works or call/write to contractors. Your only responsibility is to do primary set up and keep an eye on the automatically generated calendar, if the jobs are all done.

"It's the best preventive maintenance tool I have used in my property manager experience," said Juris from Colliers.

5. Sending invoices to accounting

You can send rental- and utilities invoices to accounting with just one click. If you link correct article codes to costs and tenants, then all the costs end up in correct places in the accounting system.

6. Debt notifications

As said before, there is a lot of information and human errors are inevitable. Also tenants can miss an invoice that was sent to them. In Hausing, you can set up automatic debt notifications with suitable frequency.


Take your commercial real estate management to a next level, using automation and simplifying the tasks that need to be done. Effective work planning takes human errors to a minimum and helps us to save lots of valuable time.

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