Save time, have a better overview and increase your profits.
You don't need different tools to manage your properties. Unlike other solutions, Hausing has everything you need to track your portfolio's performance.
We make your day-to-day simpler. With Hausing you get a quick overview of what is happening with your portfolio. Accessible anywhere and anytime.
Don't waste time shuffling between multiple Excel sheets. With Hausing, you have all of your portfolio's info in one place. Property management automation software helps to track everything from lease changes, unpaid invoices, undone maintenance tasks, special agreements to real-time analytics.
Real-time overview of all maintenance work orders.
Lease and service contract management made easy and reliable.
All information about the portfolio (properties, units, devices, etc.) structured in one place.
Automated generation of rental invoices. Integration with accounting programs.
Dynamic distribution of utility costs depending on the nature of the property and invoice generation.
Back up all your important documents related to your portfolio, securely in one place.
Formal documentation (acts and deeds of finished tasks) with automatic invoice generation.
All contacts (tenants, contractors, clients etc.) stored in one place and accessible 24/7.
Sending of notifications and communication with all parties via Hausing. No lost emails.
managed buildings
worth of invoices created each month
created tasks
digital acts approved
Mainor Ülemiste
Administrative Specialist