
October 2023 updates

October brought some smaller and one bigger change, but let’s start with the smaller ones.

Excel export

We added possibility to do three new Excel exports. Now you can download meter readings, your buildings and rooms. 

Detailed error messages

If you sent invoices to accounting, but something went wrong, then we show you the detailed error message, so you can look for the mistake from the right place. An error could be something really simple, for example a client is missing their client code.

Ticket settings

Now  you can edit ticket settings more precisely. You can determine if tickets have category and room a mandatory field to fill. This gives better overview of your house and better analysis capability. If you know exactly what problem is connected to what room and what category it has, you can analyse more problematic rooms and frequent problems, so you can do something to prevent these things.


This month's biggest change was applying microfrontends. This word probably doesn't ring a bell to non-developers, but it changes a webpage user experience. For example they help to load pages more quicker and there will be less mistakes, which in the end means that user gets better and more effective experience. Also it changes the developing process faster, which means that we can deliver new features more faster.

If you have any questions or ideas how to make Hausing better, contact us: help@hausing.ee 

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